Floral Arrangement for the Office: How Flowers Can Increase Productivity

Offices frequently have various types of plants and flowers arranged in corners and even on desks. Office flowers are sometimes placed for aesthetic purposes only, and other times they are strategically placed for health reasons.


Why create a floral interior design in the office

We spend most of the day in the office, breathing and exhaling almost the same air. Sometimes, when busy with work, we forget to ventilate the area, and on cold days, we avoid the penetration of cold and humid air from outside and do not open any windows. In order to provide an effective solution to such cases, many people fill the office with a beautiful floral design and plants, which, in addition to looking beautiful, also refresh, clean, and moisturize the air.


How beautiful flower arrangements contribute to our efficiency

In addition to stimulating the creative mind, flowers boost productivity by 38%. Research from a few universities, such as Texas A&M and the University of Exeter, has demonstrated that having flowers in the office can really increase productivity. This is because fresh flowers help to maintain working with more positive feelings while reducing anxious and negative ones. Furthermore, it is possible to improve both men's and women's productivity in the workplace by arranging flowers.


Productivity increases for women and men through flowers

This research was conducted by Texas A&M University and received surprising results. According to research, men who worked in an office that had flowers increased their efficiency by 30% and voiced more interesting and actionable suggestions. And women have raised their creativity and provided proposals for more flexible solutions to issues. So,  flowers and interiors make a good combination even in the offices.


Comfortable, concentrated, and teamwork processes

Flowers and plants can also be used to create a comfortable and harmonious working environment, where effective collaborations and the level of concentration of each employee will flourish. As a result, the level of efficiency of the entire team will increase.


The flower and plant impact on the employees’ health

Each employee's health condition also affects the team's overall ability to work more efficiently. Many of us have a tendency to get sick more frequently and experience specific allergy symptoms, especially on cold days or during the spring allergy season. Additionally, a weakened immune system and a high level of stress in the system can occasionally be the cause of illness. To prevent such circumstances, the office can be furnished with plants and flowers, which will purify and hydrate the air, lessen stress, and swap out negative feelings for happy ones.


The favorite flowers at Mon Amie flower shop and flowers delivery

Located in Yerevan, Mon Amie offers lovely and cozy floral arrangements for workplaces also. When choosing flowers for offices, you can visit a flower shop, where specialists take into account the types of flowers available, their abilities, and their advantages when placed in the office. For example, white roses create a harmonious and calm atmosphere in the office and contribute to easier concentration. This also applies to other white flowers and is due to the calming nature of white. For example, instead of roses, you can choose calla lilies and give the office a new touch of elegance.

Furthermore, the shop offers flower delivery and enables you to receive your chosen bouquet at the address you have designated.



Our living and working environments typically affect how effective we are. That is why it is important to improve it wherever we are. Flowers are one of the main and influential additions and contribute both to the improvement of our self-development and to the increase of our efficiency and workability. So, equip your office, workroom, and even your desk with beautiful flowers, while Mon Amie will be by your side in the process of creating correct and harmonious combinations.