Tulips: History, Varieties, and Care Tips for These Colorful Spring Beauties

Each year tulips return with brighter colors and fresher looks. However, only a few of us are aware of the beautiful history these flowers hide. It starts with European culture from centuries ago, Central Asia and Western Europe. As a result, it has become their symbol to this day. In this blog, we will explore the history of tulips, and their various types, and learn about taking care of them correctly.


The history of a tulip

The roots of this flower started in Central Asia and were later cultivated in Iran in about the 10th century. Many historians say that tulips came to Europe over a couple of centuries. They also say that around the 16th century, tulips were widely cultivated in the Ottoman Empire, were the most valued flower types, and symbolized power.


Europe greeting tulips

In the 16th century, they were presented to Western Europe and the Netherlands. The historians say it was by an Austrian biologist.

The newly found adoration for these flowers was later expressed by making it a currency that many used to trade.


The types of tulips

Today these breathtaking flowers come in various colors, shapes, and sizes, and are a favorite choice for many gardeners and flower lovers. They are being integrated into many floral compositions, as well as are gifted individually. Here are some popular varieties of tulips present:

       Red tulips: Just like other red flowers, red tulips too, are associated with love and passion. They symbolize elegance and a strong romantic connection.

       White tulips: These are associated with forgiveness, respect, and purity.

       Golden Tulip: Like a ray of sunshine. A delicate yellow tulip reminds many of the summer warmth.

       Purple tulips: Luxury, health, and power. This is how many people see the purple tulips. Why? The color purple was viral back in centuries, and the only people who were allowed to wear purple were the royalties. Later purple became the symbol of aristocracy and power.

       Pink tulips: This delicate color gives another meaning to these flowers. Affection, good wishes, caring, and more. Due to the delicacy of pink tulips, they can be sent to friends and family members to reflect the connection and respect towards them.

As we already discovered, tulips have been famous and loved for centuries. Moreover, with their various colors, they gain a new perspective of uniqueness and delicacy.


How to take care of flowers

With a bouquet of tulips, it is important to follow some guidelines that will help you keep these flowers fresh for as long as possible. Here they are:

       Trim the stems: While streaming the stems, it is important to give the edges a sharper angle, which will allow the flowers to absorb water more easily.

       Remove excess foliage: This is important to prevent bacteria from developing and spreading through the flowers. It also helps to keep the water clean.

       Choose a glass vase: Some vases, like metal containers, tend to shorten the flowers’ lives. Thus, it is important to use a clean vase and fill it with room temperature or colder water.

       Positioning: The location where you will put your tulips is going to highly affect their lifespan. It is important to choose corners with cooler temperatures since tulips love cooler temperatures and will not deflate soon.

       Change the water regularly: To keep them clean and fresh, try to change the water every 1-2 days. You can also recut the stems every once in a while to get rid of the accumulated stems.

These were the basic steps for keeping your tulips alive for a longer period of time. Thus, if following them, you will enjoy the freshness of these blossoms every day.


Conclusion: Flowers Armenia

As we found out, tulips come from a rich history and offer diverse varieties. Their stunning beauty can be found in various gardens and flower shops. They are able to brighten their surrounding, regardless of whether it’s a living room, bedroom, or hall. To get your tulips visit the Mon Amie flower shop, or get them delivered to you by ordering them online.